By; Asep Abdul Aziz

Question words                                                    Meaning

-        Apa                                                             what
-        ......apa                                                       what..............
-        Siapa                                                          who
-        ......... kepunyaan siapa                           whose............
-        dimana                                                       where
-        kemana                                                      where 
-        ............macam apa                                  what kind of........
-        Mengapa                                                   why
-        Kapan                                                         when
-        Yang mana                                                which
-        Bagaimana                                                how
-        Berapa banyak                                         how many
-        Berapa umur                                            how old
-        Berapa harga                                            how much ( price )
-        Berapa lama                                             how long 
-        Berapa panjang                                       how long
-        Berapa jauh                                              how far
-        Jam berapa                                              what time
-        Warna apa                                               what colour


QUESTION WORD  .....................................................?  


              Apa ini ?                                                                          what is it ?
              Buku apa ini  ?                                                                   what book is it ?
              Siapa anda   ?                                                                   who are you ?
              Rumah kepunyaan siapa ini ?                                      whose home is it ?
              Dimana anda ?                                                               where are you ?    
           Kemana mereka pergi  ?                                                where do they go ?    
           Rumah macam apa ini ?                                                what kind of home is it ?
           Mengapa ia menangis ?                                                why does she cry ?
           Kapan ia datang ?                                                           when does he come ?
           Yang mana rumah anda ?                                             which is your home ?
           Bagaimana ia ?                                                                how is she ?
           Berapa banyak buku- buku didalam tas ?                  how many books are in the bag ?
           Berapa umur Jack ?                                                        how old is Jack ?
           Berapa harga apel mereka jual ?                                 how much apple do they sell ?
           Berapa lama Ann ingin tinggal di bali ?                      how long does Ann want to stay in Bali ?              
           Berapa panjang penggaris ?                                         how long is ruler ?
           Berapa jauh dari rumah anda ke sekolah ?               how far is from your home to school ?
           Jam berapa ini sekarang ?                                            what time is it now ?   
           Warna apa ini ?                                                      what colour is it  ?     

            ASKING SUBJECT
            PATTERN 1                                                                                                                                          
                                                         BASE VERB.......?                         
SIAPA YANG     +           

                                       SEDANG + BASE VERB .......?    

           Examples :
                             Siapa yang makan satetiap hari ?              who eats sateevery day ?
                             Siapa yang sedang makan di dapur ?         who is eating in the kitchen ?